PADS Digital Signage Solutions

The PADS4 software is not just another digital signage product. It’s a bundle of applications suitable to drive your smallest digital signage installation of one single screen to your largest, mission critical installations with thousands of screens.

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PADS4 enables you to design, schedule and distribute any type of content and have it displayed where and whenever you want. The unequalled database connectivity features make it possible even for inexperienced users to include real-time data from any data source with just a couple of mouse clicks.

Again and again people having seen many products categorically say that PADS is the easiest-to-usemost flexible  and powerful solution for digital signage. Feel free to download our trial version and judge for yourself. Key components

Designer Scheduler Server Viewer Agent Desktop App SDK

Product highlights

  • Design of presentations with ANY possible content
  • Advanced scheduling of content
  • Automatic distribution to displays
  • Smooth playback of content
  • Monitoring and remote management
  • Easy integration of real-time data
  • Unlimited connectivity features to external systems
  • Software Development Kit for custom solutions
  • Open system, based on standard technologies


Visit the PADS Website

<!–Download a demo version–>

For a complete PADS4 configuration you need:

  • A Server PC
  • Scheduler/Designer/Agent PCs (optional)
  • Displays with built-in or attached Viewer PC
  • A network infrastructure

PADS Server PC

PADS Server is the pivot of your system. The requirements for the PADS Server PC are dependent on the size and usage of your installation. For large, mission critical systems we recommend to use clustering technology with RAID facilities.

PADS Scheduler/Designer PC

The PADS Scheduler and Designer application can run either on the PADS Server PC or on a separate Desktop PC. To get a good impression how your designed presentations will perform we recommend you to use a configuration for PADS Designer that is comparable with that of your PADS Viewers.

PADS Viewers PC

Especially for PADS Viewer it is important that you use the right hardware to get the best performance. In particular the choice of the video card plays a crucial role.


Here are the recommended hardware requirements for an optimal use of PADS4:


Item Server Scheduler / Designer PC Simple Viewer Multi-media Viewer
Processor Intel Core2Duo or compatible Intel Core2Duo or compatible Intel Core2Duo or compatible Intel I3 or higher
CPU 2.0 GHz or higher 2.0 GHz or higher 2.0 GHz or higher 2.0 GHz or higher
Memory 4,096 GB 2,048 GB 2,048 GB 4,096 GB
Hard disk 80 GigaByte 80 GigaByte 80 GigaByte 80 GigaByte
Video card Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) compliant

256 MB

Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) compliant

256 MB

Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) compliant

256 MB

Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) compliant

Tier-2 Compatible

512 MB or higher

Operating system Windows 2008 Server

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 7

Windows 8






















All PADS4 components must be able to communicate with the PADS Server PC through a local network or Internet connection.

Contact us at Pro Video Systems


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